中华教育时报 > 新闻 > 国内新闻 > > 常州威雅学校年度艺术展 WASCZ Art Exhibition 2021
21-07-09 12:15

常州威雅学校年度艺术展 WASCZ Art Exhibition 2021



WASCZ Art Exhibition

6月19日星期六,常州威雅艺术部成功举办了年度艺术展。这次展览展出了所有九至十二年级选修IGCSE和A Level艺术、摄影科目的学生作品,以及六至九年级的学生作品部分选集。今年,剧院三楼首次被改造为展示A Level艺术和摄影作品的主展区,四楼则设有两个独立的空间,由毕业生曹同学(Blyton)和庄同学(Austen)倾心打造。曹同学(Blyton)作品展示的是睡眠问题,而庄同学则是集绘画、雕塑、投影以及现成物品改造等多重元素,特别打造了一个空间进行生与死的探究。在剧院一楼,参观者可以看到九、十年级学生的摄影作品展览,而在二楼和湖景房则可以看到六至八年级学生的艺术作品展出。值得特别注意的是,此次展出作品形式丰富多样,甚至还有陶瓷制品和建筑模型参展。

On Saturday 19 June the Art Department held their Annual End of Year Exhibition, showcasing work produced by every GCSE & A’ level Art and Photography pupil in years 10-13, and a selection of work from years 7-10. This year, for the first time, D3 was transformed into the principal exhibition space showing A’ level Art and Photography, with two separate spaces on D4 hosting ambitious installations by Y13 pupils W. Cao and S. Zhuang. The former expressed W. Cao’s problematic sleep requirements, while the latter investigated questions of life and death within a specially built room incorporating painting, sculpture, readymade objects, and video projection. On D1 visitors could see Y10 & 11 Photography, while D2 and Lakeside had a selection of KS3 artwork, of particular note were the ceramics and architectural models.


The event was more varied than ever, with large scale painting, photography and sculpture filling the exhibition spaces on D3, a pop-up cinema showing three innovative films by Y13 pupil Z. Jia (one of her films won a prize in a London competition), and a series of animations and short films by other Y12 & 13 pupils playing on Apple Mac monitors placed throughout the gallery. The variety of artwork on display, and the particular prominence of photography and digital media, are testament to the wide range of courses our pupils progress onto at university – for example, this year we have pupils studying Filmmaking at London Met, Media at Goldsmiths, Design at Goldsmiths, Jewellery Design and Graphic Design at Central St. Martins, as well as Illustration and Fine Art at UAL and Goldsmiths.

本届艺术展还配有原声带,由音乐制作专业的学生自主选择感兴趣的艺术作品,并为之配乐。例如,陈同学(十年级Y11 Scott)就用管弦乐为杨同学(十一年级Y12 Fonteyn)的短视频进行了配乐。我相信当你身临其境,亲历这些,你也同样会为他们的艺术成就感到自豪。

The art exhibition was accompanied by a soundtrack of original music, composed and created by Music Production pupils who responded to artwork of their choice, for example Y11 E. Chen’s ambitious orchestral soundtrack based on Y12 A. Yang’s model and short film. I am sure you will agree that the pupils can be very proud of their Artistic achievements this year!



常州威雅招收3-18周岁适龄学生并对7岁以上学生开放学院制寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,秉承“每一个孩子都卓越” 的教育愿景和全人教育办学理念。不仅重视学生卓越学术能力的培养,更通过音乐、艺术、运动等全方位高品质课外课程以及丰富且有挑战性的研学旅行项目,深入挖掘每一位学生天赋和潜能,全面提升核心素养和全球化视野,帮助学生未来进入世界名校和终身发展奠定坚实的基础。


7月10日 星期六

(小型活动 席位有限)

School Open Day



+86 (0)519 88880681

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