中华教育时报 > 新闻 > 国内新闻 > > 常州威雅公益活动—2021小学部烘焙义卖
21-05-06 15:29



On Monday 19th April, a host of delicious smells wafted through WASCZ Primary, as children throughout the school brought in cakes and cookies to donate to their house stall as all classes took part in the Bake Sale 2021.


With house tables laid out outside the library, our eldest pupils in Grade 5, decorated their tables and organized all the different items brought in by their peers in their house ready for the sale to begin. Many had spent time at home creating their own house signs and even bought in decorative table-cloths to make their tables as eye-catching as possible.


The Grade 5s worked in shifts throughout the morning, selling cakes to different year groups (and teachers!) at a time. Needing to think fast during busy periods, pupils had to apply mathematical problem-solving skills to the real-life situation of accepting money and giving back change to their customers.


By the end of the morning’s sale, nearly all the mouth-watering treats had sold out, however there was still time for pupils to buy any remaining items at the end of the day. After all the money collected had been counted, WASCZ Primary had raised just over 17,000元 for the school’s local charity, the Changzhou Orphanage, a quite phenomenal achievement, and nearly double what was raised at our last bake sale two years ago.


Well done and thank you to all pupils and parents involved with helping make this year’s bake sale a reality – the money raised for the orphanage will go a long way to supporting the children who are less fortunate than ourselves.



Well done Primary!


常州威雅招收3-18周岁适龄学生并对7岁以上学生开放学院制寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,秉承“每一个孩子都卓越” 的教育愿景和全人教育办学理念。不仅重视学生卓越学术能力的培养,更通过音乐、艺术、运动等全方位高品质课外课程以及丰富且有挑战性的研学旅行项目,深入挖掘每一位学生天赋和潜能,全面提升核心素养和全球化视野,帮助学生未来进入世界名校和终身发展奠定坚实的基础。


+86 (0)519 88880681

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